Category Data-reporting

data democratization

What does data democratization mean for marketers?

You know by now that we say “data is beautiful” all the time at Funnel – but today we’re changing the record, because data democratization is beautifu...

seo goal setting

Three approaches to SEO goal setting

Editor’s Note — Thomas Frenkiel is Funnel’s SEO strategist with more than eight year's of industry experience. The views expressed below are his exper...

steps to data literacy

Data literacy: Six actions for data-savvy marketers in 2023

In our recent study, The Marketing Data State of Play 2023, we explored the biggest challenges marketers face with collecting, managing, and analyzing...

Why data maturity is the key to future success

As we grow older, our worldviews shift according to our lived experiences. We learn how to manipulate the environment around us to help us thrive and ...

top KPIs in 2023

2023’s top marketing KPIs explained

William Shakespeare once pondered the question: “What’s in a name?” The same question could be asked of the multitude of KPIs that modern digital mark...

marketing efficiency ratio

Marketing efficiency ratio – explaining MER in marketing

As a digital marketing professional, you know some metrics matter, and some metrics miss the mark. Marketing efficiency ratio (or MER, for short) fall...

what is incrementality

Incrementality: what, why, and how to?

With budget constraints tightening and increasing economic uncertainty, marketing measurement is the guiding light for all those within the industry, ...

vanity metrics in marketing

A better way to think about vanity metrics in marketing

The word vanity is often reserved for those who showcase an inflated sense of pride in themselves. It also indicates that something is empty, worthles...

own reporting data

The importance of owning your reporting data

In July 2019, Google announced their new “App + Web” property, which would later be renamed to Google Analytics 4. Immediately post announcement, most...

powerful ga4

How GA4 improves with other Google products

You’re a smart digital marketer. Which means you already have your Google Analytics 4 account up and running already, right? Of course! One of the fir...