Category Facebook-ads

Facebook Ads, HubSpot and Pinterest -  June Core Connector updates

We have made updates to Facebook Ads, HubSpot, Pinterest and more! Here we present our June Core Connector updates. Facebook Ads We have added new fie...

GA4, Facebook Ads and Instagram Insights - May Core Connector Updates

We have made updates to Google Analytics 4, Facebook Ads, Instagram Insights and more! Here we present our May Core Connector updates. Google Analytic...

Google Ads, GA4 and The Trade Desk - April Core Connector updates

We have added new Report Types and fields to Google Ads, Google Analytics 4, The Trade Desk and more! Here we present our April Core Connector updates...

The Trade Desk, Google Ads and LinkedIn Organic - March Core Connector updates

We have added new Report Types to The Trade Desk, Google Ads and LinkedIn Organic and more! Here we present our March Core Connector updates. The Trad...

Google Ads, TikTok Ads and Search Ads 360 - January Core Connector updates

We have added new report types to Google Ads and TikTok Ads, as well as a new Search Ads 360 Connector and more! Here we present our January Core Conn...

Google Ads, Facebook Ads and ActiveCampaign - Core Connector updates for September

New fields have been added to Google Ads, Facebook Ads and ActiveCampaign and more! Here we present our Core Connector update for the month of Septemb...

GA4, TikTok, Webgains – here are our Connector updates for February

New fields added for Google Ads, Webgains, Facbook Ads, GA4, and more – here are our Connector updates for February 2023. Facebook Ads New "monthly" a...

Hubspot, Facebook and YouTube – here are our new fields for December

Button New dimension: Transaction ID Facebook Ads Reach is now supported as "weekly" and "monthly" variants Delta Projects Two new metrics have been a...

Facebook Ads: FB Pixel Custom Conversion

We have added support for "FB Pixel Custom Conversion" in our Facebook Ads connector. To get it, select "Actions and Conversions" when connecting a ne...

Get your "Shared items" metrics from Facebook Ads

Funnel now offers "Shared items" metrics from Facebook Ads. These fields are available when the field group "Shared Items" is selected on connecting a...