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See who edited your Fields and Views

To increase transparency and traceability, we've made it possible to see who created or updated a Field or a Data Explorer View, and when. Note: This ...

Google Analytics, Yahoo Japan Search, Twitter, Amazon Ads: Updates to fields during June

In addition to the changes already posted around "Reach & frequency" for TikTok and Snapchat. Here are additional updates made to reports, metrics...

Data Explorer export to data destinations

It's now possible to go directly from a Data Explorer result to a scheduled export or visualisation tool. By using a Data Explorer View, you can now g...

TikTok and Snapchat: Reach and Frequency made easier

We've recently updated the TikTok and Snapchat connectors to make it easier to report on Reach and Frequency (non-aggregatable metrics) on a monthly a...

Excel imports into Funnel now support multiple sheets/tabs

When configuring a file import, it is now possible to import a .xlsx-file with multiple sheets or tabs in it. You are now able to pick the specific sh...

Amazon Selling Partner data is now available in Funnel

When it comes to e-commerce Amazon is a big player. So are you a vendor on Amazon or using the Amazon Ads connector and want to get a complete picture...

Appsflyer, Adform, Ingenious: New fields for May

During May, several core connectors have been expanded with new reports, metrics and dimensions. Here are some of the updates released Appsflyer New d...

Avoid multiplied metrics

To report on data from different breakdowns, it is sometimes necessary to add multiple connections to the same source in Funnel. If the connections in...

New destination: Microsoft Power BI!

We have a brand new Microsoft Power BI integration! Power BI is Microsoft’s business intelligence product. It’s used for building dashboards and repor...

Keep track of your flexpoint usage

If you are an agency with multiple customers and you want to attribute flexpoint consumption to specific Funnel accounts or you are an enterprise and ...