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Import csv files to Funnel via email

We've recently added new functionality to our already existing File uploader. You could previously upload files manually and now we made it possible t...

Data Studio - Automatic field name deduplication

Funnel's Data Studio connector now automatically deduplicates field names within views. Having multiple fields with the same name can make it hard to ...

TikTok - Complete payment and Total complete payment value

We've just added two new metrics to the Ad report • Complete payment • Total complete payment value These new metrics are included in all current and ...

AdWords (Google Ads) - Extended rules for Ad Custom Dimension

To adapt fully to previously released changes in December 2020 affecting the Ad field from Google Ads, we have now built out the standard rules for th...

Data Explorer - New default table

The data that is displayed when you enter the Data Explorer for the first time has been updated and adapts to the data sources you have connected in y...

Data Request form progress bar

When submitting a Data Request you now have a progress bar on top of the form indicating where you are in the request process.

Indeed - Company name and Account ID

Two new fields have recently been added for our Indeed connector • Company Name • Account ID These are new dimensions that are now added to all connec...

Reuse credentials when connecting data sources

Users are now able to choose among their previously used credentials when connecting data sources. We hope that this new feature will make it even eas...

Data Studio - Report Template

You now have the possibility to let Funnel create a template report when you connect Funnel to Google Data Studio. If you are using a view, and your v...

Data Explorer metrics filter

The Data Explorer now has support for setting up filters based on metric values. With the new Metrics filter you have even more freedom in exploring t...

Shopify - Additional Details fields for Order report

It is now possible to get data for the Additional Details fields along with your Shopify Orders.To import Shopify Order data with the Additional Detai...

Data Studio page list improvements

Funnel's Data Studio page has been redesigned to improve usability and align with the rest of the Funnel app. Along with a new list design that aligns...

New "sum of" option for custom metrics

It's now easier to summarize multiple metrics when working with Funnel's rule based custom metrics. The new sum of operator lets you search for and se...

Facebook Pages - Field name changes

We've updated some of the fields in the Post Insights report of our Facebook Pages connector to be more consistent in the naming of the fields. Three ...

TimeOne Performance - New name and redesign

Funnel's connector for Public Ideas is now called TimeOne Performance. The connector has also been redesigned with support for more fields. With its n...

Google Analytics - New connect dialog design

We've just released a brand new connect dialog for our Google Analytics connector. The new design is meant to improve usability with better field cate...

AdWords (Google Ads) - More possibilities for keyword data

It is now possible to include Keyword dimensions when connecting on Ad-level in the Search Keyword report of Funnel's AdWords (Google Ads) connector. ...

AppNexus - New report type

The Site domain performance report is now available through Funnel's AppNexus connector. The fields that are unique for this new report are the follow...

Improved Google Sheets export page

With hopes of reducing clutter and improving usability our Google Sheets export page has gotten a new look that aligns with the general list design wi...

AdWords (Google Ads) - Device dimension available in two more report types

The Device dimension from Google Ads is now available in the Search Query and Search Keyword reports of our Google Ads connector. The Device dimension...

Default configurations for data sources

To simplify the process of connecting data sources we're introducing the possibility to use default configurations. Default configurations are initial...

Adwords (Google Ads) - New metric

Our Adwords (Google Ads) connector now supports a brand new non-aggreagatable metric. Click Share is now available in the standard non-aggreagatable r...

Google Trends - New dimension

We've added the Category dimension to our Google Trends connector. This makes it possible to see the keyword category. You can read more about how our...

New data request form!

We've released a new data request form to help make our data operations team solve your data request faster and better! We're fully dedicated to cover...

Biano - New metrics

We've added two new metrics to our Biano connector. These will be available in all Biano sources and will be automatically updated 2 years back. They ...

Yahoo Japan Search - Non-aggregation metrics on Keyword level

Yahoo Japan Search now supports non-aggregatable metrics on keyword level. The metrics works with Account, Campaign, Ad group and now the Keyword repo...

Tableau connector - "Remember my token"

Our Tableau integration now has a toggle to "Remember my token". This will save the Funnel token within your workbook so that you don't have to re-ent...

Adform - Download frequency option

You now have the ability to enable a lower download frequency for Adform data sources. The reason for this is to give you an option to handle Adform's...

Seznam - Adgroup report

We've just updated our Seznam connector and added a new report type, Adgroup. This report contains the same metrics and dimensions as the Campaign rep...

Twitter Organic - User Insights report

We've now added the User Insights report to the Twitter Organic connector. This means that it’s now possible to pick between a Tweet Activity and User...

AdColony - Store ID

We've upgraded our AdColony connector and made it more stabile. With this, some fields has been deprecated and one new dimension has been added. New F...

Custom Dimensions can now Split by a delimiter without using Regex

Many of our users have the need of split out fragments of a string, e.g. a campaign name, to create custom dimensions based on fragments of that strin...

Create a scheduled Google Sheet exports from the Data Destination page

You can now create a scheduled Google Sheets export without using the Data Explorer. When you export your data from Funnel to Google Sheets, there are...

Twitter - Reach & Frequency

A new and shiny Reach & Frequency report is now available for the Twitter Connector! Available metrics • Reach • Average Frequency Available dimen...

Linkedin - Video title, InMail subject and Creative title

Three new fields are now available in the Standard report for our LinkedIn connector. • Video title • InMail subject • Creative title Creative title i...

Impact - Ad name

We've just updated our Impact connector and added Ad name as a new dimension to the Action report. Already connected Impact data sources configured wi...

Monthly Update Summary - January 2021

Here's a quick summary of everything we released in Funnel during January! You can learn more about each update by clicking on the titles and links th...