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Learn about all of the latest product news and discover what the Funnel team has been working on. Be sure to subscribe below so you can get updates on all of the newest releases right in your inbox.

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Product updates from June

We hope you’re enjoying your summer and we are excited to bring you the latest updates from Funnel! This month our updates video stars Hampus, one of ...

Facebook Ads, HubSpot and Pinterest -  June Core Connector updates

We have made updates to Facebook Ads, HubSpot, Pinterest and more! Here we present our June Core Connector updates. Facebook Ads We have added new fie...

Product updates from May

We are thrilled to bring you the latest updates from Funnel! This month our updates video stars Carl, one of our developers at Funnel. Let's take a lo...

GA4, Facebook Ads and Instagram Insights - May Core Connector Updates

We have made updates to Google Analytics 4, Facebook Ads, Instagram Insights and more! Here we present our May Core Connector updates. Google Analytic...

Product updates from April

Hi there! The sun is shining, the cherry blossoms are out and we’re all smiles! We hope to bring a smile to your face with the latest product updates ...

Google Ads, GA4 and The Trade Desk - April Core Connector updates

We have added new Report Types and fields to Google Ads, Google Analytics 4, The Trade Desk and more! Here we present our April Core Connector updates...

Reminder: Google Analytics will discontinue Universal Analytics services and APIs on July 1, 2024

If you are a user in a Universal Analytics property, chances are that you received an email from Google on April 3, 2024. In short, Google reiterated ...

Product updates from March

Hey everyone, it’s Ray. I’ll be filling in for Hanna as she just had her baby boy last week! We hope that you’ve had a happy Easter and are looking fo...

The Trade Desk, Google Ads and LinkedIn Organic - March Core Connector updates

We have added new Report Types to The Trade Desk, Google Ads and LinkedIn Organic and more! Here we present our March Core Connector updates. The Trad...

Product updates from February

Spring is around the corner here in Sweden! That means more (and much needed) sunlight coming into our lives. We hope that we can shine some of that p...

Google Ads, Shopify and DV360 - February Core Connector updates

We have added new fields to Google Ads, Shopify, Display & Video 360 and more! Here we present our February Core Connector updates. Google Ads We ...

Product updates from January

Is it already time for a new product update email? Yep, that’s right, January just flew by! But still, we managed to release a lot of great new featur...

Google Ads, TikTok Ads and Search Ads 360 - January Core Connector updates

We have added new report types to Google Ads and TikTok Ads, as well as a new Search Ads 360 Connector and more! Here we present our January Core Conn...

Summary Funnel data and numbers 2023

What a year it has been. Goodbye, 2023 – hello, 2024! A new year means new opportunities, new challenges, and a fresh new start. But it’s also a time ...

GA4, DV360 and Instagram Insights - December Core Connector updates

We have added new fields to GA4, DV360, Instagram Insights and more! Here we present our December Core Connector updates. Google Analytics 4 (GA4) We ...

Product updates for November

Entering the last month of the year (and WHAT a snowy time we're having in Sweden right now), and soon it will be time to summarize and celebrate what...

Google Ads, TikTok and GA4 - November Core Connector updates

We have added new fields to Google Ads, TikTok and GA4 and more! Here we present our November Core Connector updates. Google Ads We have added the opt...

Product updates for October

We’re entering a new month (and leaving scary Halloween behind), which means that it’s time for some new updates from us at Funnel. Let’s have a look ...

Salesforce, Google Ads and Amazon DSP - Connector updates for October

New fields have been added to Salesforce, Google Ads and Amazon DSP and more! Here we present our Core Connector update for the month of October. Sale...

Product updates for September

This week is a special week for us. All the Funnelers from around the world will gather in Stockholm to meet up, celebrate the past year, and share kn...

Google Ads, Facebook Ads and ActiveCampaign - Core Connector updates for September

New fields have been added to Google Ads, Facebook Ads and ActiveCampaign and more! Here we present our Core Connector update for the month of Septemb...

Product updates for August

Summer is officially over by entering September, and what a summer it’s been! But we’re now so ready for a fall FULL of development and new updates to...

2Performant and Apple Search Ads - Connector updates for August

New fields have been added to 2Performant, Apple Search Ads and more! Here we present our Core Connector update for the month of August. 2Performant W...

Product updates for July

Hope you’re enjoying your summer! Let’s kick off this month’s updates with a video recap from Anqi, one of our sales reps: Drag-and-drop file import Y...

Simplifi, Adform and Idealo – our Connector updates for July

Below are some of the reports and fields Funnel that have been added in July. Google Analytics A new field is now available for GA4 data sources, "Ses...

Product updates for June

Summer is here! Sweden is showing its best side the last few weeks with a sun that never goes down, hot weather, and not even a single drop of rain! B...

Pipedrive, Magento, and HubSpot - Core Connector updates for June

New fields and Connectors have been added to Pipedrive, Magento, HubSpot and more! Here we present our Core Connector update for the month of June. Pi...

Product updates for May

Hope you are ready to supercharge your marketing data with our latest updates! Our partner marketing manager, Marc, will deliver the latest product up...

Salesforce, Google Ads & Google Analytics - Connector updates for May

Many new metrics, dimensions and source types have been added to Salesforce, Google Ads, Google Analytics and more - here we present our Core Connecto...

Product updates for April

As we finally approach spring in Stockholm, we are still faced with a mix of sun and snow. Perfect weather for the beginning of May! It’s also time to...

Yahoo Japan Search, Spotify Ads, Amazon Selling Partner - Core Connectors updated

New fields and dimensions have been added to Yahoo Japan Search, Spotify Ads, Amazon Selling Partner, and more – here are our Core Connector updates f...

Product updates for March

We know you all have been waiting for it since last month, and now it’s finally here: The monthly product update highlights. This month, our product m...

Amazon, Semrush, StackAdapt - here are our Connector updates for March

New fields added for Amazon, Semrush, StackAdapt and more – here are our Connector updates for March 2023. Amazon Ads The following metrics have been ...

Product updates for February

Entering a new month means that it’s time to summarize the product updates from the past month. This time the updates are presented by Funnel’s own su...

GA4, TikTok, Webgains – here are our Connector updates for February

New fields added for Google Ads, Webgains, Facbook Ads, GA4, and more – here are our Connector updates for February 2023. Facebook Ads New "monthly" a...

Product updates for January

We’re now putting January behind us by summarizing the product updates from the past month. Listen to Emma Bäck, Content Strategist here at Funnel, pr...

Outbrain, LinkedIn, GA4 – new dimensions and metrics in January

Here are some of the updates to our connectors for January. Outbrain New dimensions: - Country ID (Geo reports only) Metrics - CPA - Cost Per Acquisit...

Product updates for December

Hope you have had a good start of the new year! We at Funnel are looking forward to what 2023 will bring! Before that, we want to wrap up 2022 with a ...

Hubspot, Facebook and YouTube – here are our new fields for December

Button New dimension: Transaction ID Facebook Ads Reach is now supported as "weekly" and "monthly" variants Delta Projects Two new metrics have been a...

Product updates for November

We're wishing for some cold weather, snow and a little bit of Christmas cheer in the last couple weeks of December before we wrap up 2022. Until then,...

Twitter, YouTube and Teads – see what’s new in Funnel’s connectors for November

TikTok The Audience metrics breakdown “Platform” has been renamed to “Operating system”. This change has been introduced for consistency with the Tikt...

Product updates for October

November is here and we are eagerly waiting for the first snow here in Northern Europe. In the meantime sit back, relax and have a look at what new fe...

Connector news for October: Tradedoubler, Yelp and Appsflyer

Tradedoubler Our Tradedoubler connector has been updated to use the latest API version. Deprecated Metrics. This means we've been able to add the foll...

Product updates for September

October and autumn are here! Grab a cup of coffee and have a look at what new features we have this month! 👌🏼 This month's video summary of the upda...

LinkedIn, Snapchat and TikTok – here are the new fields for September

These are some of the updates we've made to our core connectors during the month of September. New TikTok metrics: - Conversion rate - Real time conve...

Product updates for August

After enjoying summer, we are now ready for the fall and looking forward to what it will bring. Let’s have a look at what new features we have this mo...

LinkedIn, TikTok, GA4 and more. These are some of the connector updates from August.

LinkedIn, TikTok, GA4 and more. These are some of the connector updates that have happened in August.Bing New dimension: Title Part 3 Ad Description 2...

Salesforce Marketing Cloud

We're happy to announce that we've added Salesforce Marketing Cloud to our library of core connectors. Salesforce Marketing Cloud is Salesforce’s plat...

Funnel’s Power BI Connector now available in Power BI Dataflows and Datamarts

A new update from Microsoft makes our Funnel Power BI Connector available in Dataflows and Datamarts. Because of this it's now possible to connect to ...

Instagram, Shopify and Pinterest – new fields in July

Instagram, Shopify and Pinterest – here are some of the connectors that have been expanded in July. Instagram Reels now supported in the Media Insight...

See who edited your Fields and Views

To increase transparency and traceability, we've made it possible to see who created or updated a Field or a Data Explorer View, and when. Note: This ...

Google Analytics, Yahoo Japan Search, Twitter, Amazon Ads: Updates to fields during June

In addition to the changes already posted around "Reach & frequency" for TikTok and Snapchat. Here are additional updates made to reports, metrics...

Data Explorer export to data destinations

It's now possible to go directly from a Data Explorer result to a scheduled export or visualisation tool. By using a Data Explorer View, you can now g...

TikTok and Snapchat: Reach and Frequency made easier

We've recently updated the TikTok and Snapchat connectors to make it easier to report on Reach and Frequency (non-aggregatable metrics) on a monthly a...

Excel imports into Funnel now support multiple sheets/tabs

When configuring a file import, it is now possible to import a .xlsx-file with multiple sheets or tabs in it. You are now able to pick the specific sh...

Amazon Selling Partner data is now available in Funnel

When it comes to e-commerce Amazon is a big player. So are you a vendor on Amazon or using the Amazon Ads connector and want to get a complete picture...

Appsflyer, Adform, Ingenious: New fields for May

During May, several core connectors have been expanded with new reports, metrics and dimensions. Here are some of the updates released Appsflyer New d...

Avoid multiplied metrics

To report on data from different breakdowns, it is sometimes necessary to add multiple connections to the same source in Funnel. If the connections in...

New destination: Microsoft Power BI!

We have a brand new Microsoft Power BI integration! Power BI is Microsoft’s business intelligence product. It’s used for building dashboards and repor...

Keep track of your flexpoint usage

If you are an agency with multiple customers and you want to attribute flexpoint consumption to specific Funnel accounts or you are an enterprise and ...

Snapchat, TikTok, GA4: Connector updates for April 2022

Snapchat Our Reach and Frequency (non-aggregatable) report have had additional time windows added. We now support 1, 7, 14, 30, 60, 90 "month to date"...

Amazon Ads, Bing, Snapchat and more – connector expansions in March

Some of the expansions we've made to our connectors in March. Amazon Ads "Keyword" and "Search Term" breakdowns are now supported for the "Sponsored P...

Standard rules for your Social Organic reports

For content marketers it’s important to be able to track efforts on social media platforms that are performing well and those that are not. To make it...

Field editing made easier

Getting your head around custom dimensions and metrics in Funnel can be cumbersome and time consuming. As part of our ongoing effort to make it easier...

Get your Ingenious data into Funnel

We're happy to announce that we're now supporting the tracking/affiliate Ingenious Partner Marketing Platform as a standard connector in Funnel. When ...

Get your Teads data into Funnel

The video advertising platform Teads, used by some 5,000 websites, is now available as a standard connector in Funnel. What data can I get from Teads?...

TikTok: Additional time windows for Reach and Frequency

We have added two new time windows to our "Reach and frequency" report for TikTok. It now has 7 and 30 day windows in addition to 1 day. We've also ad...

New and improved Adtraction connector in Funnel

To make it easier to connect and get value from our Adtraction connector, we've made several improvements. Aside from adding several new fields, we've...

Amazon Ads data now available in Funnel

Amazon Ads is the 3rd largest advertising platform in the market and we’re super happy to introduce it as standard connector in Funnel. This first ver...

Adform: Cost (Fixed Price)

Funnel's Adform connector now supports the metric Cost (Fixed Price). It is available for all reports except the Event report. Please reach out to get...

Pardot: Get all prospects and custom fields

A new report type is available for Pardot which lets you see all prospects and custom fields. Note:additional permissions may be needed for Funnel to ...

Video metric update for Outbrain

We've added 9 new metrics relating to videos for our Outbrain connector. Video Reached First Quarter Video Reached Second Quarter Video Reached Third ...

Google Analytics/GA4: New dimensions and metrics

Google recently added a new set of fields to its GA4 API, that we've now made available in Funnel. Dimensions Achievement id Character Default channel...

Google Analytics: Standard rules for G4

In order to make GA4 data easier to work with, we've now introduced it into our standard rule model. This means the following custom fields will be au...

Indeed connector: major update

The Indeed connector has been updated to retrieve data from the latest Indeed Sponsored Jobs API. Note: Existing sources must be reconnected by April ...

TikTok: Initiate Checkout

Funnel's TikTok connector now supports the metric "Initiate Checkout".What data can I get from TikTok?

The Trade Desk: Data for advertiser only

A new report has been made available for The Trade Desk: "Advertiser ONLY Ad Group Performance Report". This report is available for users with “Adver...

Partnerize: Customer type

Funnel's Partnerize connector now supports the dimension "Customer type". What data can I get from Partnerize?

Track Visits in our Criteo connector

Two new metrics have been added to our Criteo connector:n Cost Per Visit and Visits. All available fields and metrics in our Knowledge base.

Control where your data ends up in Google Sheets

It's now possible to control where in a Google Sheet your data will end up. Simply enter the start row and column under "Working range". More info in ...

Base your exports on Data explorer views

We have released a new feature to make it easier to apply fields, filters and currency from saved data explorer views to new exports. The feature is a...

TikTok: New dimensions

Funnel's Tiktok connector now supports two new dimensions in the Ad group report: Adgroup placement type and Campaign budget mode.

Date conditions in Custom dimensions

Custom Dimensions in Funnel now supports for date conditions and conversions. There are new "matches date" conditions that can be used with all date f...

Deals from Yahoo Ad Tech

It's now possible to get Deal and Deal ID from Yahoo Ad Tech. To get Deal and Deal ID, connect a new source and check "Deal".

Filter fields with warnings

To make it easier to find fields with warnings, we've added a new checkbox to our fields list section, that allows you to only who warnings.

Country report for Sizmek Ad Suite

We've added a new report to our Sizmek Ad Suite connector. This will let you break down your reporting by Country and/or Country code. To get the Coun...

Improvements to the chart feature

To make it faster and easier to work with, we've made some improvements to the chart feature in Data explorer. Similar but improved look-and-feel We n...

AdRoll: Landing page

It's now possible to get "Landing page" for your AdRoll sources. To get it, connect a new Ad level report or reconfigure an existing one. What data ca...

AdWords (Google Ads): Custom Labels

We've added a new dimension to our AdWords (Google Ads) connector: Custom labels. It's available in the "Shopping Performance" report as an optional d...

Copying fields between accounts just became easier

For a while it's been possible to copy fields between accounts in Funnel – but a bit hard. Now that task has became a lot easier. To avoid confusing e...

Adform: Campaign End Date

It's now possible to see Adform "Campaign End Date" in Funnel. It's available in the Media Banner report.What data can I get from Adform?

Google Analytics – Exit rate

Funnel's Google Analytics connector now supports the metric "Exit rate". "Exit rate" is a calculated metric (Exit rate = Exits / Page views). The fiel...

Zemanta – archived campaign data

Funnel now supports downloading archived campaign data from Zemanta. To enable it for a new source, select “Include archived entities” when connecting...

Google Analytics (GA4): User engagement

It is now possible to see "User engagement" for Google Analytics (GA4) in Funnel. To get the metric, select it when connecting a new source, or reconf...

Save your Data explorer views

You can now save and name specific Data Explorer queries with associated fields, filters, visualisation and currency selection. We're calling this new...

TikTok – new metrics

Two new metrics have been added to Funnel's TikTok connector: "Purchase (Total No.)" is available in Ad report and Ad group report, and "Total Add to ...

Facebook Ads: FB Pixel Custom Conversion

We have added support for "FB Pixel Custom Conversion" in our Facebook Ads connector. To get it, select "Actions and Conversions" when connecting a ne...

Take a closer look at your Google Sheets exports

We've added a details page for our Google Sheets exports. The new page is similar to the one we already have for our Data Warehouse exports, and offer...

Import files using decimal comma

It's now possible to select comma (,) as decimal separator when importing CSV files into Funnel. More on our self-serve file import feature here.

Off Spotify Impressions

Spotify recently started supporting a new metrics: Off Spotify impressions. This metric measures impressions for podcasts served off Spotify. It is cu...

Performance Max campaigns supported for AdWords (Google Ads)

We've updated our AdWords (Google Ads) connector to utilise the lastest API version, meaning we can now offer Performance Max campaigns! Performance M...

AdService – new fields

Funnel has added three new fields, that are available for all sources: Publisher ID, Media ID and Media Name. What data can I get?

VK Ads connector expanded

Two dimensions have been added to our VK Ads connector: Account ID and Client ID (only for agencies). What data can I get from VK Ads?

New e-commerce fields supported for Google Analytics

We've added support for two new e-commerce fields in our Google Analytics connector: Product Category Level 2 and Shopping Stage. Both dimensions are ...

Shopify Traffic Source

Funnel has added support for Shopify Traffic Source. You will find it in the Order and Product reports of our standard connector. What data can I get ...

Google Search Console: New search types

Funnel's Google search console connector has been expanded with "Discover" and "Google News" search types. What data can I get from Google Search Cons...

Partnerize – "Conversion lag" data is now available

"Conversion lag" is now available in the "Item conversion" report of Funnel's Partnerize connector. We've also made "Account name" and "Company name" ...

Adwords (Google Ads): Preview Image URL

A new dimension have been added for the Standard Ad report: "Preview Image URL".

StackAdapt: Insertion Order and Unique conversions

Funnel's StackAdapt connector supports a new breakdown selection, "Insertion Order", and a new metric, "Unique Conversions".What data can I get from S...

LinkedIn: Campaign start & end date

Two new dimensions have been added to the Standard Report: Campaign Start Date, Campaign End Date. What data can I get from LinkedIn?

Google Analytics: New dimensions

The dimension "Shopping Stage" is now available in our Google Analytics connector. To get it, connect a "Universal Analytics" source with "Enhanced ec...

LinkedIn: Direct Sponsored Content

We have added support for a new dimension in our LinkedIn Standard report: Direct Sponsored Content. Direct Sponsored Content indicates whether the cr...

Partnerize: New dimensions

Funnel's Partnerize connector now supports Account name and Company name for all reports.What data can I get from Partnerize?

Paint it black: Dark mode is here

Dark mode is now available in Funnel. To enable it, go to the user menu (your name in the top right corner) and click "Dark mode".

Google Analytics: Hits

A new metric has been added to our Google Analytics connector: Hits. This applies to Universal Analytics. Hits is available in the "Standard", "Events...

Snapchat: Ad level SKAdNetwork data

It is now possible to get Ad level SKAdNetwork data for Snapchat into Funnel.To get ad level SKAdNetwork data, connect a new source, select SKAdNetwor...

Connect to Branch in Funnel

It's now possible to get your Branch data into Funnel. Branch is a deep-linking API for web and mobile tracking data. The Branch connector collects da...

Google Analytics: Internal search fields

Funnel has added Internal search dimensions and metrics to our Google Analytics connector. This applies to Universal Analytics data. New fields in the...

LinkedIn: Creative Media URL

A new dimension added for the Standard report of our LinkedIn connector: Creative Media URL. What data can I get from LinkedIn?

Export scheduling made easier

Funnel now lets you schedule 3 "daily" export runs. This applies to our data warehouse and Google sheets exports. You can also set an export to run wi...

Capterra – Average Position

Funnel's Capterra connector now supports Average Position. What data can I get from Capterra?

Facebook Pages – new metrics

Funnel's Facebook Pages connector now supports "Engaged Users", "Total Paid Reach" and "Total Organic Reach".All new metrics are available via our "Pa...

TikTok – Profile visits

You're now able to get the TikTok metric "Profile visits" into Funnel. It is available in the "ad" and "ad group" reports.What data can I get from Tik...

SKAdNetworks report now available in AppsFlyer

SKAdNetworks performance report is now available as an aggregated report type for AppsFlyer in Funnel. Note: This report uses a v2 token. The SKAdNetw...

LinkedIn Organic: Reach & Frequency

Funnel now offers Reach and Frequency for LinkedIn Organic. They are calculated for all updates (not per update) and a one day time window on a Linked...

Get your "Shared items" metrics from Facebook Ads

Funnel now offers "Shared items" metrics from Facebook Ads. These fields are available when the field group "Shared Items" is selected on connecting a...

Video metrics for XING

We have now added several new video metrics to our XING connector. Reach out to add historical data to existing sources. Video Plays 3s watched 10s wa...

Shopping24 connector expanded

Shopping24 now supports a large set of new dimensions and metrics. New Dimensions: Category ID Category name Device type Invoice category ID Invoice c...

See your Data Source Id on the Data Sources page

To make it easier to keep you sources apart, you can now add "Data Source Id" as a column in the Data sources page.

Partnerize: Source referer

Funnel's Partnerize connector now supports the dimension "Source referer". It is available in the "Item Conversion" and "Conversion" reports.What data...

YouTube – Video duration easier to read

We've added the new metric "Duration (Time)" to our YouTube connector. Duration was previously only delivered as a Dimension in ISO 8601 duration, whi...

Shopify – customer names

It's now possible to get the following dimensions from your Shopify connections: Customer First Name, Customer Last Name.The two new fields are availa...

LinkedIn: two new fields

Two new fields have been added to Funnel's LinkedIn connector: The dimension "Campaign type" and the metric "Reactions", now available for all regular...

Google Analytics: Session Duration Bucket

Funnel now supports "Session Duration Bucket". This dimension categorises sessions into different time buckets. Available when connecting in a new sou...

Doubleclick Campaign Manager: New dimensions added

Two new dimensions have been added to our Doubleclick Campaign Manager connector: "Placement external ID" and "Campaign external ID". See all availabl...

Daisycon: two new reports

Two new report types are now supported in our Daisycon connector: "Statistics" and "Transactions".The Statistics report can be connected with two diff...

Explore our new Data Sources page

Great news! We're finally releasing our brand new Data Sources page. With this, it's possible to remove, pause and reconnect in bulk. We hope you will...

Get Reddit data by Designated market area

Funnel's Reddit connector now supports a DMA report. This allows you to see your data broken down by Designated market area (DMA). New fields "DMA ID"...

StackAdapt: Creative level data available

StackAdapt data in Funnel is now downloaded on Creative level. New dimensions: Insertion Order ID Campaign ID Campaign Type Creative ID Creative Chann...

LinkedIn: See the creation time of a sponsored post

A new field has been added for the standard report: "Created At (ISO)" - representing the creation time of a sponsored post. See our knowledge base ar...

Ahrefs released!

The Search engine data tool Ahrefs is now available as a connector in Funnel. To be able to fetch data from Ahrefs through Funnel, you will need an Ah...

Shopify - Line Item Name

Funnel now supports Line Item Name for Shopify. The dimension is available as part of the product report of our standard connector. See all available ...

Google Analytics: Events per session

A new metric is available for GA4 sources: Events per session. The metric is derived from "Event count" and "Sessions" – so these two metrics need to ...

Semrush now released!

Funnel now supports the Search engine marketing platform Semerush. Our Semrush connector features three different reports, Backlinks authority score, ...

Pinterest Organic – new Pin link dimensions added

Funnel's Pinterest Organic connector now supports the dimensions Pin Link, Pin Tracked Link, Pin Image Large URL, Pin Image Medium URL and Pin Image S...

Spotify Ad Studio – Ad play percentage fields

Funnel's Spotify connector now supports Ad played to 25%, Ad played to 50%, Ad played to 75% and Ad played to 100%. See all available fields here.

Inspect your credentials

We now offer a details page for the credentials you've used to connect to other platforms in Funnel. The page provides more information on your sets o...

Attribution setting available in Facebook Ads

It's now possible to connect Facebook Ads sources with Attribution setting. Facebook has launched this concept as a replacement for their old Attribut...

Google Analytics: Full Referrer

Funnel now supports the dimension "Full Referrer" for its Google Analytics connector. To access the Full referrer field, connect a new source with the...

TikTok: Province available in the Ad Audience report

The Province dimension is now available in Funnel's TikTok connector. To get access to the field, connect a new TikTok source and configure an Ad audi...

myTarget: Banner name

The dimension "Banner name" has been added to Funnel's myTarget connector. See all available fields here.

SA360 (DoubleClick Search): New dimensions added to the Conversion report

Three new dimensions have been added to Funnel's SA360/DoubleClick Search Conversion report: Conversion timestamp, Conversion visit timestamp, Convers...

Snapchat: Optimization goal

The dimension "Optimization goal" is now available in Funnel's Snapchat connector. See all available fields in our Knowledge base.

Daisycon: Program description

Funnel's Daisycon connector now supports the dimension "Program description". See all available fields here.

Google Ads (AdWords): Clicks by keyword available

Keyword can now be selected as an optional dimension for "Click View" reports. This means you can see click ids broken down by keyword.See our knowled...

RTB House – new fields available

We're added several new fields to the RTB House connector, relating to device, category, country and user segment. Independent of breakdown, all sourc...

Find the right file when importing from email

For a while now, Funnel has supported downloading files from links in emails. This has been hard coded to links matching a default rule. It's now poss...

DerbySoft – Impression share

Funnel's DerbySoft connector now supports the metric "Impression share". The metric is optional and can be selected on connect. Go to our knowledge ba...

Google Ads (AdWords) – Income Range

We've added a new report type to our Google Ads/AdWords connector: "Income range view" featuring the new dimension "Income Range". As always, a full l...

DerbySoft - New dimensions

Our connector for DerbySoft has received an update with support for two more dimensions: Campaign and Check in day of week To see a full list of avail...

Google Analytics - Browser version dimension

The Google Analytics connector in Funnel now supports the Browser version dimension. The new field is available in the Standard report when connecting...

Snapchat - Metrics for offline conversions

Our Snapchat connector has been updated with a suite of new conversion metrics. The added metrics reflect different kinds of offline conversions and a...

XING - Ad name dimension

Funnel's XING connector now supports the Ad name dimension. A full list of available dimensions and metrics from XING can be found in the What data ca...

Bing - View Through Conversions metric

Funnel's Bing connector has been updated with support for the metric View through conversions. The new metric is available in data sources configured ...

Funnel's got a brand new bag

We're launching our new branding and the Funnel app is now dressed to the occasion. Our new branding includes a reworked logo and and a brand new colo...

YouTube - Channel insights report

Funnel's YouTube connector now offers a brand new report type: Channel insights. The new Channel insights report contains metrics such as Channel subs...

Google Analytics - New and renamed dimensions for GA4

The set of dimensions available when connecting Google Analytics with a GA4 property has been updated. This update brings a set of brand new dimension...

Lead Alliance - New lead metrics

Funnel's Lead Alliance connector has been updated with two more metrics. The new metrics are Lead quantify confirmed and Lead quantify open and they a...

TikTok - SKAN metrics

The connector for TikTok has been updated with support for SKAN metrics in the Ad group report. The new metrics are: SKAN registrations SKAN purchases...

Google Ads (AdWords) - New dimension for the Ad account name

There's now a dimension available in Funnel for the Ad account name in Google Ads. To get historical data for the ad account name field you're welcome...

AdRoll - More dimensions available

The AdRoll connector in Funnel has received an update which includes a brand new report type for Ad data. The new report type Ad contains the follow n...

The Trade Desk - More conversion metrics

Funnel's The Trade Desk connector has been updated with many, many more conversion metrics. The added metrics are made up of a long list of different ...

Google Sheets export - limit the number of rows exported

Funnel's Google Sheets export now supports limiting the number of rows that gets export to the sheet. This feature can come in handy if you're looking...

YouTube - Age and Gender report

There's a new report type available for our YouTube connector: Age and Gender. With the new Age and Gender report you can see the Viewer Percentage by...

Adform - Booked impressions metric

The metric Booked Impressions is now available through the Line Item report of Funnel's Adform connector. Jump into our knowledge base to see a full l...

AppNexus - New dimensions

The AppNexus connector in Funnel has received an update with several new dimensions. New dimensions: Line item impressions budget daily Line item impr...

Partner-ads connector now supports more fields and geographies

Our Partner-ads connector has been updated with more fields and now also support the Norway geography. The new fields are two dimensions: Product numb...

Google Analytics - Creative ID dimensions

Our Google Analytics connector now supports two new dimensions when connecting with the GA4 API option: Event campaign creative ID and Session campaig...

PriceRunner - New Conversions report type

The Pricerunner connector in Funnel has a brand new report type: Conversions.With the addition of this new report type, the data fetched before is now...

AdWords (Google Ads) - Ad level data in Video report type

It is now possible to collect data on Ad level when connecting data sources with the Video report type. To see a full list of available fields for Goo...

Tune Network - Goal ID

Our Tune Network connector has been updated with support for the Goal ID dimension. The new dimension is available in all existing data sources, but i...

New fields for Marktplaats, 2dehands and Kijiji

Our connectors for Marktplaats, 2dehands and Kijiji have received updates with new dimensions and fields. The set of new fields is the same for all th...

2dehands - New connector

There's now a plug-n-play connector available in Funnel for the classifieds site 2dehands. 2dehands is the leading classifieds site in Belgium. The co...

Kijiji - new connector

We have released a brand new connector in Funnel for the Kijiji, Canada's most popular site for classifieds ads. To read more about the connector you ...

AdWords (Google Ads) - SKAN dimension and metrics

Funnel's AdWords (Google Ads) connector now support SKAN Conversions and SKAN Conversion Value. Two new fields SKAN Conversions (metric) and SKAN Conv...

Cake - Macro Event Conversions

The metric Macro Event Conversions is now available via Funnel's Cake connector. To get historical data for this new metric please reach out to us and...

Adjust - Converted Users per Event

Funnel's Adjust connector now supports the metric Converted Users per Event. With this metric you will be able to look at “Converted Users” per each o...

Google Analytics - Campaign Code dimension

The dimension Campaign Code is now available in Funnel's Google Analytics connector. The dimension is located in the standard report for Universal Ana...

Google Analytics - Detect if you data is sampled

You will now be able to check if your data from Google Analytics is sampled by using the field Samples Read Rate. By looking at the field Samples Read...

Facebook Ads - Estimated Call Confirmation Clicks

Funnel's Facebook Ads connector has been updated to support the metric Estimated Call Confirmation Clicks. To read more about the data you can get thr...

Tabs in Dimensions and Metrics pages

The Dimensions and Metrics pages in Funnel are now organized around tabs to make it easier for you to navigate the data you have in Funnel. With the n...

LinkedIn Organic - See how your total number of followers develop over time

It's now possible to collect data for your current number of followers on your LinkedIn page. With the new Total Followers option you can get data by ...

WooCommerce - new order dimension

The WooCommerce connector in Funnel has a new dimension: Order Created Via.This new dimension can be used to understand how an order was made (e.g. vi...

Facebook Ads - Continuous video plays

Our Facebook Ads connector has received an update with two new metrics. The two new metrics are: 2-Second Continuous Video Plays Cost per 2-Second Con...

Mailchimp - new dimensions and metrics

Funnel's Mailchimp connector has received a new dimension and a bunch of new metrics. The report type "Default" in the Mailchimp connector has been ex...

AdWords (Google Ads) - Conversion value attributed to conversion time

The AdWords (Google Ads) connector in Funnel now supports a new metric for analysing Conversion value by conversion time. The new metric is called Con...

Pinterest - More breakdowns for the Frequency metric

It is now possible to collect data for Pinterest's Frequency metric with more flexibility. Because of how Frequency is defined it is not possible to a...

Data Request status page

You can now track the the status of your Data Requests from within the Funnel app. You'll find the new page by first clicking "+ Data Request" in the ...

AppNexus - Pixel name and Pixel ID

The Network analytics report type in our AppNexus connector has gotten two more fields: Pixel name and Pixel ID These new fields have been added to al...

Funnel monthly product update, May 2021

In May, we have updated Funnel's Data Explorer, introduced a new connector for XING, and have made many updates and improvements for destinations and ...